3000 Solved Problems Linear Algebra Pdf Hoffman
Elementary set theory, finite, countable and uncountable sets. Real number system as a complete ordered field. Archimedean property, supremum, infimum. Sequences and series of real numbers and their convergence. Limsup, liminf. Bolzano Weierstrass theorem, Heine Borel theorem. Continuity, uniform continuity, differentiability, mean value theorem.
Sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence. Riemann sums and Riemann integral, Improper Integrals.
Monotonic functions, types of discontinuity, functions of bounded variation, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue integral. Functions of several variables, directional derivative, partial derivative, derivative as a linear transformation, inverse and implicit function theorems. Metric spaces, compactness, connectedness. Normed linear Spaces. Spaces of continuous functions as examples. Sample space, discrete probability, independent events, Bayes theorem. Random variables and distribution functions (univariate and multivariate); expectation and moments.
Books - Download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Rai Singhania Linear Algebra: Hoffman and Kunze Schaum Series (3000 Solved Problems Book) Numerical Analysis: Jain and lyenger Calculus of Variations: Complex Analysis: Schaum Series R.
Independent random variables, marginal and conditional distributions. Characteristic functions. Manual De Reparacion Jetta A4 2008. Probability inequalities (Tchebyshef, Markov, Jensen). Modes of convergence, weak and strong laws of large numbers, Central Limit theorems (i.i.d. Markov chains with finite and countable state space, classification of states, limiting behaviour of n-step transition probabilities, stationary distribution, Poisson and birth-and-death processes. Standard discrete and continuous univariate distributions.