Cantonese Audio Bible Old Testament Downloads
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Chinese Bible. 聖經 - This is the best free android application about Chinese Traditional (Cantonese) Bible in Chinese Union Version. Chinese Union Version is the predominant translation of the Bible into Chinese used by Chinese Protestants. This Chinese Bible app comes complete with text and audio Bible, all chapters. Feb 22, 2013 - Classical or Literary Chinese (also known as Wenli or Wen-li) is still very relevant to the Chinese speaking world today. The New Testament and Old. Testament; translations for Chinese usually follow the same rules as they do for the other languages: most of the time, the older; translations are the more. These free MP3 Bibles are available in more than 500 languages. Make sure BEFORE you download that you're downloading the FREE copy. It's not necessary. Hindi MP3 Bible: Hungarian New Testament in MP3: Mandarin Chinese Audio Bible.